Still Waters EP by Their Ocean

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our new website and preview Haunted House

Please go to and check out our new website...

you can also check out this new track from our forthcoming EP:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sunstroke EP out 11.11.11

Hello. We are sad to announce we were not able to get Skies Light Up out this year but happy to announce that this perfect charming little Sunstroke EP will be warming up your fall and convincing mother nature to grant us an Indian summer to be reckoned with. Preview the title track below.
Also our new blog/website is almost complete so keep checking back because any day now it will be up!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Still Waters EP hard copies...

Hello all! We finally have a limited amount of hard copies for sale of the Still Waters EP. 
It is a CDR run with custom acrylic paintings for covers by Jason Hunt and a few watercolors by his wife Beth Hunt. They are $10 and if you would be interested please email me @ keithkreuser (at) hotmail (dizzot) com and all buisness can be taken care of via Paypal. This is one of the super pretty covers and each one is an original. Get yours before all 15 are gone and we have to wait for them to make more. (which might be a while as they have a newborn on their hands) 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Great review from Something Else Reviews....

Their Ocean, ambient then soulful, is one of those amalgams that sounds instantly recognizable, yet completely new.
The Chicago-based psychedelic R&B/indie rock group has described itself as “a cross between Hall and Oates and Arcade Fire, if they were friends with the Soulquarians.” As funny as that sounds, it’s about right. In listening, though, I’d add some other names, too. The title track’s keyboard textures — crunchy blips, then billowing washes? I hear Eno. The come-hither lover-man vibe of “Come Back to Me”? Totally Marvin Gaye.
It’s that kind of record. Yet, Still Waters doesn’t come off as derivative, mostly because of its open-ended song structure. While Their Ocean has absorbed these varied influences, they aren’t, strictly speaking, defined by them. The EP also finds a home for a tender-hearted singer-songwriter vibe (“Visits”). Ditto, a flower-power dorm-room blues (“Rearrange”).
That makes for a complex soundscape, though it’s never busy. There are no anthems here, unlike your average three-hanky Arcade Fire treatise. Instead, Their Ocean lives up to the ebb and flow associated with its name, moving with likable ease from melancholy atmospherics to mechanized dance beats to trance-y soul shouts.
Comprised of singer/drummer Keith Kreuser (aka K-Kruz) and guitarist/keyboardist Jason Hunt, Their Ocean issuedStill Waters last month on its startup label Field Recordings. (Jacob Croegaert was the main bassist, with Hunt taking over for “Won’t Be,” embedded above.) The duo also reportedly has plans to issue a full-length debut, tentatively titled Skies Light Up later in the summer.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Download Still Waters EP for FREE!

Click below and enjoy what the brown noise blog said was perfect music for summer nights.

Download Still Waters EP

check out the Brown Noise Blog review here:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

New album art....

Skies Light Up the debut LP from Their Ocean will be out September 2011.
Tracklist coming soon!!